Saturday 28 November 2015

Day 8 - Khiva

Khiva is a unique city. The only place similar to it I can think of is Yazd in Iran, as both are desert cities that have remained unchanged for centuries, basking in their mud-brick, domed beauty. Yazd very much still a lived in town, abuzz with families going about their daily business, and Khiva more of a ‘monument ‘city, lived in in its Northern and Southern fringes close to the walls, but otherwise very much an open air museum, rich in majestic palaces, medressas, mosques and palaces built over the last millenium.
In the 8th century Khiva was a trading post off a side branch of the Silk Road. In the 16th century it became the capital of the Khorezm khanate under the reign of the Shaybanids and for the next 3 centuries a hub of the at the time very active slave commerce. I will not try to list the sights of the Ichon-Qala (Old Town inner walled city) one by one, as I would have to produce a list of 50 names. Just enjoy the photographs, they speak for themselves…
Unfortunately the historical bazaar, caravanserai and hommom are closed for restoration. I’ll have to return.
We have enjoyed warm weather for most of the journey, until Khiva… It’s freezing, windy and rainy, so no sunset pictures of this beautiful city.

At dinner we join some of our B&B co-guests, a German and an American couple, the latter just having spent 40 days travelling the Silk Road through China.

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